gender identity, curriculum, absence, other, Catholic School, female identified, activism, Bill C-16
gender identity, curriculum, absence, other, Catholic School, female identified, activism, Bill C-16
policy, trans, transgender, ostracized, Family Life, Catholic School, gendered language, safety, protection, gender identity, gender expression, gendered classroom Keywords:
Two-Spirit, non-binary, gender identity, identity, social pressure, Two-Spirit elders, learning, racism, LGBTQ community, refugees, community support, advice, advocacy, gay-straight alliance, labels, developmental disabilities Keywords:
acceptance, inclusion, educating teachers, gender binaries, homophobia, biases, school culture Keywords:
homeschool, mental health, gender expression, sexuality, bullying, isolated, concern, safety, fear, worry, listen, pay attention, support, teachers, administration, care Keywords:
gay-straight alliance, GSA, transgender, preferred name, gender expression, welcoming, fresh start, journey, emotions, hope Keywords:
gender neutral, masculine, gender role, girl, boy, feminine, preferred name, gender identity, gender expression, trans, transgender, support, supportive parenting, coming out, open, social worker, language, discussion, conversation Keywords:
TG Innerselves, social support group, community resource, education, trans, transgender, gender identity, training, ally, LGBTQ, teachers, women’s shelters, social workers *Note: This video transitions to an audio file with a still image after 3 minutes Keywords:
coming out, gender identity, labels, phase, gender expression, clothing, bullying, depression, suicide ideation, conformity, uncomfortable, puberty, Catholic school, transphobia, violence, homophobia, arts school, transition *Note: This video is an audio file with a still image. Keywords:
suicide attempt, Catholic church, parents, family support, love, queer, fear, coming out, transgender, trans, vegan, humour, preferred pronouns, preferred name, gender affirming surgery, Pride, Trans March *Note: This video is an audio file with a still image. Keywords:
ally, action, support, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, curriculum, training, listen, preferred names, preferred pronouns, support, parent, caring adults, teachers Keywords:
family, trans, transgender, gay, coming out, TG Innerselves, lesbian, family dynamics, change, gender expression, bullying, violence, withdrawn, shy, labels, suspension, identity, poverty, nursing, mental health, school administration, victim-blaming Keywords:
coming out, TG Innerselves, transition, transgender, trans, community organization, preferred name, preferred pronouns, gender identity, gender expression, support, advocacy Keywords:
advocacy, ally, power, trans, transgender, bullying, safer space, queer, othering, pay attention, listening, mental health, TG Innerselves, gender identity, one-on-one, community resources, supportive adult Keywords:
transgender, trans, gender identity, gender expression, TG Innerselves, queer, mental health support, community resources, social support groups, Pride, addressing queer issues, awareness, non-binary identity Keywords:
trans, transgender, androgynous, non-binary, gender expression, gender identity, preferred pronouns, they/them, advice, care Keywords:
coming out, gender non-binary, norm, gay, family environment, queer spawn, homophobia, secrecy Keywords:
professional development, anti-oppression, equity and inclusive training, trans, blockers, unaware, teacher privilege, teacher identity, inclusive practices, risk-taking, support, gender, school forms, trans policy, advocacy, human rights, gender-neutral washroom, parental homophobia, legal obligation, curriculum, mis-gendering Keywords:
allies, GSA, gay-straight alliance, French elementary school, advocacy, activism, safer space, rainbow flag, workshops, training teachers, questions, gender identity, preferred pronouns, language Keywords:
curriculum, cisgender, absence, library books, health and physical education, gendered classroom, transgender, traumatic Keywords:
identity, transgender, sports team, gender dysphoria, bodies, gender, feelings, trans, language, chest Keywords:
advice for teachers, intersectionality, oppression, justice, safe, gender, open, listening, advocacy, allies, privilege, transgender, queer, questioning, race, gender identity, sexuality, LGBTQ history, social justice history, vulnerable students, taking time Keywords:
advice for teachers, multi-parent family, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, extended family, communication, curriculum, diverse families, health and physical education curriculum, puberty, transgender, non-binary, gender norms |
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