SOY, The 519, Sketch, support, youth, trans, homelessness, shelter system, theatre, digital story-telling, FTM, safety, poverty, identity, street life, gender-affirming surgery, CAMH, transphobia, medical field, Sherbourne Health, advocacy
SOY, The 519, Sketch, support, youth, trans, homelessness, shelter system, theatre, digital story-telling, FTM, safety, poverty, identity, street life, gender-affirming surgery, CAMH, transphobia, medical field, Sherbourne Health, advocacy
*Note: This video transitions to an audio file with a still image after 3 minutes Keywords:
coming out, gender identity, labels, phase, gender expression, clothing, bullying, depression, suicide ideation, conformity, uncomfortable, puberty, Catholic school, transphobia, violence, homophobia, arts school, transition *Note: This video is an audio file with a still image. Keywords:
suicide attempt, Catholic church, parents, family support, love, queer, fear, coming out, transgender, trans, vegan, humour, preferred pronouns, preferred name, gender affirming surgery, Pride, Trans March Keywords:
coming out, TG Innerselves, transition, transgender, trans, community organization, preferred name, preferred pronouns, gender identity, gender expression, support, advocacy Keywords:
school transition, LGBTQ family, confidence, school climate, advocacy, close-mindedness Keywords:
transition, school, coming out, friends, teachers, preferred pronouns, GSA, identity, allies, safe, support Keywords:
human rights, legal issue, transition, school culture, advocacy, trans, elementary school, trans advocacy, preferred name, gender neutral bathrooms Keywords:
transition, trans, transitioning, clothing, appearance, preferred name, school administration, school board, legal issues, human rights, education, teacher education Keywords:
education, identity, out, school culture, support, transitioning, training, trans, vocabulary, volunteering |
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