gay-straight alliance, GSA, transgender, preferred name, gender expression, welcoming, fresh start, journey, emotions, hope
Tara: Tell me have you heard anything about a GSA at your new school? Tell us about that.
Tobie: I don't know much about it yet but I heard--
Andréa: You were in the room for it. You already know a couple of kids who go there who are transgender as well. Remember your friend from…
Tobie: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah!
Andréa: They have a sign as soon as you come in the school, they have a sign like clearly stating who's welcome in the school and you're welcome regardless of says on there, your gender expression and everything. So it's right there, so they make it explicit.
Tobie: Yeah.
Tara: Was there a GSA at the old school?
Tobie and Andrea: No
Andréa: That was one of the things. We tried to start one but then the teacher who was helping went on a leave so one didn't get started. But one of the other parents at the school who was on the Parent Council said that she would continue to push for it.
Tara: Do you imagine that starting a new school with the name you use now will be like a new beginning for you?
Tobie: Yeah definitely. Yeah it will be. I think um, I feel like it will be much better and stuff like, than the school I was in before. And like, I just feel like it's going to be like, yeah a new…(turns to Andréa) are you crying?
Andréa: No.
Tobie: Oh. I saw you wipe your eye, I was like "Are you crying already?"
Andréa: I know, I do a lot of the time, but no, not now.
Tobie: I feel like...
Tara: It's a journey.
Tobie: But yeah. I feel like it will be um, like, definitely um, like, kind of a new start, fresh start kind of thing.