overly sensitive, exaggerating, bullying, listen, pansexual, jokes, offensive, action, change, help, responsibility, ask, needs, support, initiative
Kate: Can you say one thing that you--a message you'd like teachers and school administrators to hear about how to support LGBTQ kids and families in schools?
Tobie: Um, well first of all, don't tell them they're being sensitive or over-exaggerating because oh my gosh, that pissed me off so much when the teacher said that to me. Don't like, if they, if a bully has like said something, even that sounds like a joke or something like "Hey you're pansexual doesn't mean you have sex with pants". That's a joke. I hate it, as a pansexual myself I hate it a lot. But, that jokes not are funny. It's offensive and it's rude. If you hear a student telling you that, that they find that offensive and you need to do something about it. Do it. Like do you gotta change something. You can't just be like "well you're being oversensitive" you have to actually like help change things and you don't just get the other kid to apologize because they're just going to keep doing the same thing from experience.
Tara: Thanks.
Kate: That's great.
Tara: And Andréa, any last words?
Andréa: Okay I just want teachers and school administrations to like not put the onus on these kids.
Tara: Right.
Andréa: They feel like they stand out in the first place so go to them and ask them what they need, don't expect them to come to you to tell them what they need.