bisexuality, relationships, sexuality, polyfidelity
Tara: So how did all three of you meet? What’s that story?
Alex: The book club.
Jonathon: Yeah, an online book club.
Alex: An online book club.
Jessica: Yeah they were reading the same things. I wasn’t. It was a discussion that we had had together, that we, um, because I’m bisexual, but I’m kind of a committed person, it wasn’t really something, especially with like, it just was the kind of, um, I don't know, it was, I wanted a relationship, I didn’t want others.
Alex: You don’t, yeah exactly, you don’t want to deny that side of yourself, but at the same time, you don’t want to just like have some random person.
Jessica: And I was perfectly willing to when I got married and it was that one person, but then he and I had discussions and he was like, anyways, it got to that point where we were looking for someone. And they just happened to meet and they were like, the same person except she’s a lady and he’s a gentleman.
Tara: Isn’t that something?
Alex: Yeah, it is!
Jessica: So, it was just us. I went and met her first, and he said, and yeah, it was just so much fun. It was so nice! It was so nice.
Tara: Was it um, hard for you to imagine having a family of three parents rather than two?
Alex: No, not at all. It was like ideal for me. Ever since I was a child, I remember wanting a relationship like this. And not really like understanding uh, like how much pressure it’d be on you from the outside world. And just looking like well why wouldn’t everybody want this? You know, It’s so great! I couldn’t understand not wanting it. And so I had been in previous relationships as well, and it just uh, it wasn’t something that ever seemed like it would be okay. And so, I wanted to feel like oh, it is okay, and it’s wonderful. Of course I want this, you know.
Tara: Right.
AM: So it was not a leap for me at all. At all, at all.