books, representation
Tara: Can you remember their teachers reading them books about two daddies or two mummies?
Tara: No?
Ernst: No.
Michael: I can’t remember that.
Ernst: We brought those books to school.
Tara: Tell us about that.
Ernst: Well, Milena’s birth mother started writing children’s books about our scenario.
Michael: About literally us.
Ernst: About Milena’s life and also her husband was the birth father for a lesbian couple.
Michael: Friends of ours as well.
Ernst: Exactly, so she felt - they felt that there was this real void of having this children books available. So she started writing all these children’s books. And we donated them to schools.
Tara: Very interesting. What was the reaction? Did they go into the library? Did teachers use them in their classrooms? Do you know what happened to them?
Ernst: They were used during reading time and children are able to take it home.
Michael: But other than that I don't know that those kinds of books are there. I don’t know if they are.
Ernst: Even our books they were part of all the other books. They were not highlighted or anything, they were just there.
Michael: But the interesting thing is in the work that Clara and Milena would do from a young age, you know we were represented in drawings and we were even always present even when we weren't right, in the work they were doing. Because that’s …why wouldn’t they draw us?