LGBTQ sex ed, allies, Classroom Closet, workshops, teacher training, parents, allies, GSA, gay-straight alliance, community organization
Tara: Your high school is a French school?
Dan: Yes.
Tara: And part of the Catholic board?
Dan: No, public.
Chantale: French public.
Tara: French public board, okay. Has your school taken on any sex-ed since you’ve been in school?
Dan: We do have, um -- for the LGBT group at my school we go to “Classroom Closet”.
Chantale: It’s a conference.
Dan: And there are sex-ed classes there.
Tara: Okay.
Dan: That we take part in. And it’s very open to, like, even if you’re just an ally, you wanna go and there’s LGBTQ sex-ed classes there. But there haven’t been--we had sex-ed classes in grade seven and eight. Um, but not in high school.
Tara: I’m very interested in Classroom Closet. Can you tell me a little bit about that program and, um, what else do they do except sex-ed and who goes and do you like it?
Dan: Yes I really like it, of course. We have-- so Classroom Closet, there’s a bunch of different speakers come in and do, um, kind of speeches and group discussions and stuff. There’s different, um--
Chantale: Like sharing of their stores, different stories. And there’s different, um, workshops you can take.
Tara: Okay.
Chantale: And they have some geared to the students and they also offer some geared to--
Dan: Staff.
Chantale: Staff. Staff of schools, parents, or allies, anybody, like, can go and take these different workshops that they offer during that weekend of Classroom Closet. So it’s an annual thing.
Dan: It’s for a day, during the school day.
Tara: Okay.
Dan: Um, we go with my LGBT group at my school and pretty much every school that has a GSA will take their GSA to there. And the workshops, and sex-ed is one of them. There’s some that are about mindfulness, about a bunch of different things. How to be more active and, like, supportive and stuff like that.
Tara: And who puts that on? Is it the school board or is it a community organization?
Chantale: It’s a community organization here in the community, Réseau ACCESS.