Pride is a special time of year, as it can be both a time for joy, affirmation as well as revolt and protest. And our history and membership in this vibrant and beautiful community, means we have a responsibility to take care of one another: as educators, as chosen-family members and as humans. For us, that looks like checking in on one another, offering help and resources where needed, and always holding an anti-oppressive, intersectional and affirming lens that understands how we can best leverage our privileges. It means recognizing and changing when we're taking up too much space, and amplifying BIPOC voices, experiences and knowledges and interrogating our own comfort with the systems we work within. We know that there is no queer or trans liberation without BIPOC, and we know that our work is far from over. We leave you with the beautiful words of Canadian poet, Brandon Wint, and wish you all the safety, joy and love in your celebrations and resistance.
“Not queer like gay. Queer like, escaping definition. Queer like some sort of fluidity and limitlessness at once. Queer like a freedom too strong to be conquered. Queer like the fearlessness to imagine what love can look like…and pursue it.”

Artwork by Jess Bird (@blessthemessy on Instagram)