Bisexuality Org
Bi Visibility Day Events
In recognition of Bisexuality Awareness week (September 16th - 23rd) the LGBTQ Families Speak Out research team would like to highlight Jessica from the Skinner Family. Jessica identifies as bisexual and her family have been strong and outspoken advocates for their daughter who transitioned in elementary school. Jessica and her family have been huge supporters of the LGBTQ Families Speak Out research project, often speaking in Tara’s Gender, Sexuality and School course and have been featured in an article about teacher allyship. You can watch the Skinner Family videos here and learn more about how you can support the bisexual community below:
glaad Bisexuality Org Xtra Bi Visibility Day Events
Since we began this study 5 years ago we have compiled a collection of over 300 videos! There are multiple ways to access the stories families tell about their experiences at school. To help you find some compelling interview excerpts, we are, once again, starting to feature a new video each week. Today, we are featuring a video of Ian, Ben and Alexis talking about heteronormalcy in kindergarten (Tara Goldstein). With the new school year underway and classes starting next week for many univeristies the LGBTQ Families Speak Out research team wanted to share some helpful resources for supporting students both in and out of the classroom.
We've heard from educators in our classes that sometimes there isn't enough support in the school system to provide the support LGBTQ students and families need. That's why community organizations are a great resource. They can provide free and/or accessible services either online or in person for youth and families. There's also a lot of information online including books and videos that can be educational for new teachers as they begin their advocacy for queer and trans students. We're always updating this list, with new workshops, programs and books that become available in our community. Let us know if there's something we're missing, and please share with your networks! You can find our list of resources under the RESOURCES tab on the website or by clicking here The LGBTQ Families Speak Out research team would like to welcome everyone back to school! We hope you have an amazing and inspiring year, full of learning and personal growth. We have many resources for students, families and educators that can be found in the resources tab as well as the growing collection of videos and podcasts available on the website. These are great starting points to create LGBTQ inclusive classrooms and spaces as we start a new, exciting year.
We are delighted to share the news that two Members from the LGBTQ Families Speak Out team are now members of the Executive Committee of QSEC -QUEER STUDIES IN EDUCATION AND CULTURE ( Tara Goldstein is Co-President of QSEC with Lee Airton from Queen’s University and Kate Reid is one of the Grad Student Representatives. QSEC’s mandate is to bring together scholars of gender and sexuality within the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) ( which meets once a year at the annual Congress Conference. The 2020 CSSE conference will take place from May 30-June 4, 2020 at Western University in London, Ontario.
For its program at CSSE QSEC encourages submissions from the wide-ranging topics presently constituting queer research and practice in education and culture from cross-cultural, historical, political, policy, comparative, and other perspectives. Proposals need be submitted to through the CSSE website by October 1, 2019 |
June 2021
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