However, in efforts of inclusion, educators should be wary that is does not become fragmented or isolating. This occurs when LGBT topics are solely introduced during LGBTQ History Month or Pride Month, with little to no context provided to the students or when representations of the community are being presented in a negative way.
Further fragmentation can occur when only certain representations such as gays and lesbians are being presented when discussing the LGBTQ community. Such homogenization of the community is particularly damaging for people in the community who have been and continue to be marginalized within the LGBTQ community, including people of colour, transgender people, intersexed people, and people with disabilities.
When engaging LGBTQ-related content, educators should ask themselves the following:
- How inclusive is my current curriculum of LGBTQ people and their lived experiences?
- How am I presenting this content to my class?
- What representations of the community am I presenting to my class?
- What sort of biases and experiences am I bringing to this content and how can I control these?