Project Bibliography
Last updated: September 20, 2019
We use the initialism LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer) with the intention of including people who identify as transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual, agender, gender queer, gender variant, and/or pangender. We understand the names people use to describe their gender and sexual identities are always evolving and that the most important thing is to be respectful and to use names that people prefer.
Gender, Sexualities and Indigenous Lifeways
Gender, Sexualities and Schooling
LGBTQ Activism
LGBTQ Families and Parenting
LGBTQ Families and Schooling
Sexual Education Curriculum in Ontario
Teachers and Teacher Education
Gender, Sexualities, and Indigenous Lifeways
Adler, Nathan (2016). Valediction at the Star View Motel. In Nicholson, Hope (ed.) (2016). Love beyond body, space and time. Beside Press.
Finley, Chris (Colville Confederated Tribes) (2011). Decolonizing the Queer Native Body (and Recovering the Native Bull-Dyke): Bringing ‘sexy back’ and out of Native Studies' closet. Queer Indigenous Studies: Critical Interventions in Theory Politics and Literature, 31-42. Tucson: U of Arizona.
Lugones, Maria (2007). Heterosexualism and the colonial / modern gender system. Hypatia 22(1): 186-209.
Macaby, Ma-Nee (2016). A Two-Spirit Journey. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.
Miranda, Deborah A. (Ohlone-Costanoan Esselen Nation, Chumash) (2010). Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 16(1-2): 253-84.
Nicholson, Hope (Ed.) (2016). Love Beyond Body, Space and Time. Beside Press.
Oceti Sakowin Two Spirits, LGBTQ+, and Supporters (2016). This Land Was Made for Decolonized Love. Indian Country Today, March 7, 2016:
Rifkin, M. (2011). When did Indians become straight? NY: Oxford University Press.
Stevens, James Thomas (Akwesasne Mohawk) (2010). Poetry & Sexuality: Running Twin Rails. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 16(1-2): 183-89.
Vowel, Chelsea (Métis) (2012). Language, culture, and Two-spirit identity. Âpihtawikosisan|Law Language Life: A Plains Cree speaking Métis Woman Living in Montreal, March 29, 2012.
Womack, Craig. (2001). Drowning in Fire. Phoenix: University of Arizona Press
Wesley, Saylesh (Stó:lõ, Tsimshian) (2014). Twin-Spirited Woman: Sts'iyoye Smestiyexw Slha:li. TSQ:Transgender Studies Quarterly 1(3): 338-51.
Wilson, Alexandria (Opaskwayak Cree Nation) (2015). Two-spirit people, body sovereignty, and gender self-determination. Red Rising Magazine, September 21, 2015.
Wilson, Shawn. (2008). Research is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
Gender, Sexualities, and Schooling
Airton, Lee. (2018). Gender Your Guide: What to Say, What to Know, What to do in the New Gender Culture. New York: Simon and Shuster.
Airton, Lee (2015).
Airton, Lee. (2013). Leave “Those Kids” Alone: On the Conflation of School Homophobia and Suffering Queers. Curriculum Inquiry, 43 (5):532-562.
Airton, Lee. (2009). From sexuality (gender) to gender (sexuality): The aims of anti-homophobia education. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. 9(2):129-139.
Assembly Of Catholic Bishops Of Ontario (2010). A Statement From The Catholic Bishops On Policy Development Associated With Ontario’s Equity And Inclusive Education Strategy. Toronto, ON: Assembly of Catholic Bishops.
American Psychological Association. Lesbian and Gay Parenting. (2005). Accessed August 30, 2013.
Blackburn, M. & McCready, L. (2009). Voices of Queer Youth in Urban Schools: Possibilities and Limitations. Theory Into Practice, 48: 222-230.
Butler, Judith. (2004). Undoing Gender. New York: Routledge.
Callaghan, T. D. (2007). That’s so gay: Homophobia in Canadian Catholic schools. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
Chasnoff, D., & Cohen, H. (Producers) (1996). It's Elementary: Talking about Gay issues in School. San Franciso, CA: Women's Educational Media.
Coloroso, B. (2015). The Bully, the Bullied, and the Not-So-Innocent Bystander: From Preschool to High School and Beyond. New York: Harper Collins.
Davies, C. and Robinson, K. H. (2016) Working it out: An interactive resource for pre-service teachers, teachers and other professionals working with young people about homophobia and transphobia in schools. Melbourne: Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre.
Episcopal Commission for Doctrine (2011). Pastoral Ministry to Young People with Same-Sex Atttraction. Toronto, ON: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Faygold, Irena (Director). (2005). Heneini / Here I Am. Boston, MA: Keshet (
GLSEN Jump-Start Guide for Gay Straight Alliances. Part 3: Strategies for Training Teachers
GLSEN Jump-Start Guide for Gay-Straight Alliances: Part 5:Examining Power, Privilege & Oppression
GLSEN Jump-Start Guide for Gay-Straight Alliances: Part 7:Making your student club trans-inclusive:
Goldstein, T. (2-19). Teaching Gender and Sexuality at School: Letters to Teachers. New York: Taylor and Francis. With contributions by benjamin lee hicks, Jenny Salisbury and Pam Baer.
Goldstein, T. (2010). Snakes and Ladders: A Performed Ethnography. International Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 3(1): 68-113. Snakes and Ladders was written in 2004 and edited in 2010 for this publication.
Goldstein. T., *Koecher, A., *Baer, P., and *hicks, b.l. (2018 online). Transitioning in elementary school: Advocacy and allyship. Teaching Education Journal. .
Goldstein, T., Collins, A. and Halder, M. (2008). Anti-Homophobia Education in Public Schooling: A Canadian Case Study of Policy Implementation. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Services, 19(2):47-66.
Goldstein, T., Russell, V. and Daley, A. (2007). Safe, Positive and Queering Moments in Teaching Education and Schooling; A Conceptual Framework. Teaching Education Journal, 18(3): 183-199.
Goldstein, T. (2006). Towards a Future of Equitable Pedagogy and Schooling. Pedagogies: An International Journal 1 (3), 151-169.
Haimson, O.L., and Airton, L. (2018). Making space for them, her, him, and‘prefer not to disclose’ in group settings: Why pronoun-sharing is important but must remain optional. National Centre for Institutional Diversity, June 4, 2018.
Hernandez, Catherine (2017). Scarborough. Toronto: Arsenal Pulp Press.
hicks, b. l. (Forthcoming, 2020). The Festival of Puberty. In Airton, L. & Woolley, S. (Eds.), How to Teach about Gender Diversity: Teacher-Tested Lesson Plans for K-12 Classrooms, Canadian Scholars Press, Toronto: Ontario.
hicks, b. l. (Forthcoming, 2020). On the Threshold of Awesomeness. In Airton, L. & Woolley, S. (Eds.), How to Teach about Gender Diversity: Teacher-Tested Lesson Plans for K-12 Classrooms, Canadian Scholars Press, Toronto: Ontario.
hicks, b.l., (2019). The 2018 UNICORN GLOSSARY: A most-definitely-not-comprehensive list of terms related to gender and sexuality. In Goldstein, T. (2018) Teaching Gender and Sexuality at School: Letters to Teachers. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.
hicks, b.l. (2017). Gracefully unexpected, deeply present and positively disruptive: love and queerness in classroom community Bank Street College Occasional Papers Series, 37, Part III.
Iskander, Lee and Shabtay, Abigail. (2018) Who runs the schools?: LGBTQ youth activism and Ontario’s Bill 13. Journal of LGBT Youth, 15(4):339-352.
Jones, T. Smith, E. Ward, R., Dixon, J. Hillier, L. & Mitchell, A. (2016) School experiences of transgender and gender diverse students in Australia, Sex Education 16(2): 156-171, DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2015.108067.
Keenan, H. B. (2017). Unscripting curriculum: Towards a Critical Trans Pedagogy. Harvard Educational Review, 87(4): 538-556.
Killoran, I. & K. P. Jimenez. (2007). Unleashing the Unpopular: Talking about Sexual Orientation and Diversity in Education. Olney, MD: Association for Childhood International.
Kumashiro, Kevin & Bic, Ngo. (2007). Six Lenses for Anti-Oppressive Education. New York: Peter Lang.
Kumashiro , K. (2001). Troubling Intersections of Race and Sexuality: Queer Students of Color and Anti-oppressive Education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Kumashiro, Kevin. (2000). Toward a theory of anti-oppressive education. Review of Educational Research, 70(1): 25-53.
Kumashiro, K and McCready, L. (2006) Race, sexuality and education. In: E. W. Ross and V. Ooka Pang (Gen Eds.), Race, Ethnicity and Education. Wesport, CN: Praeger Publishers.
Lee, C. (2002). The impact of belonging to a high school gay/straight alliance. The High School Journal, 85(3), 13–26.
Macintosh, L. (2007). Does anyone have a Band-Aid? Anti-homophobia discourses and pedagogical impossibilities, 41(1), 33–43.
McCaskell, T. (2005). Race to Equity: Disrupting Educational Equality. Toronto: Between the Lines.
McCready, L. T. (2010a). Black queer bodies, afrocentric reform and masculine anxiety in an African dance program. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 3(1), 52-67.
McCready, L. T. (2010b). Making Space for Diverse Masculinities: Identity, Intersectionality, and Engagement in an Urban High School. New York: Peter Lang.
McCready, L. T. (2009). Troubles of black boys in urban schools in the United States: Black feminist and gay men’s perspectives. In W. Martino, M. B. Weaver-Hightower & M. Kehler (Eds.), The problem with boys' education: Beyond the backlash. New York: Routledge.
McCready, L. T. (2004). Some Challenges Facing Queer Youth Programs in Urban High Schools. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education, 1(3): 37-51.
Ontario Ministry of Education (2015a). The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 1-8 Health and Physical Education. Available at:
Ontario Ministry of Education (2015b). The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 9-12 Health and Physical Education. Available at:
Ontario Ministry of Education (2014) Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools: Guidelines for Policy Development and Implementation. Available at
McCready, L. T. (2009). Troubles of black boys in urban schools in the United States: Black feminist and gay men’s perspectives. In W. Martino, M. B. Weaver-Hightower & M. Kehler (Eds.), The problem with boys' education: Beyond the backlash. New York: Routledge.
Pasco, C.J. (2007) Dude You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School. Berkley: University of California Press.
Payne, Elizabethe, and Melissa Smith (2013). LGBTQ kids, school safety, and missing the big picture: How the dominant bullying discourse prevents school professionals from thinking about systemic marginalization or... Why we need to rethink LGBTQ bullying." QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 1: 1-36.
Pendleton, Jiménez Karleen (2016) Tomboys and Other Gender Heroes: Confessions from the Classroom. New York: Peter Lang. Pendleton Jiménez, Karleen (2014).
Quinn, T. (2007). “You Make Me Erect!”: Queer Girls of Color Negotiating Heteronormative Leadership at an Urban All-Girls’ Public School, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education, 4(3):31-47.
Reiff Hill, May and Mays, Jeff (2013). The Gender Book. Houston, TX: Marshall House Press.
Robinson, K. H. (2005). Doing anti-homophobia and anti-heterosexim in early childhood education. Moviing beyond the immobilizing impacts on ‘risks’, ‘fears’ and ‘silences’. Can we afford not to? Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education, 6(2), 175-188.
Robinson, K. H. (2005). ‘Queerying’ Gender: Heteronormativity in early childhood education. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 3(2), 19-28.
Robinson, K. H. (2002). Making the invisible visible: Gay and lesbian issues in early childhood education. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education, 3(3), 415-434.
Robinson, K. H. & Ferfolja, T. (2002) A reflection of resistance: Discourses of heterosexism and homophobia in teacher training classrooms. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 14(2): 55-65.
Robinson, K.H. & Ferfolja, T. (2001). “What are we doing this for?” Dealing with lesbian and gay issues in teacher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 22(1): 121-133.
Robinson, K. & Jones Diaz, C. (2006). Gender performativity in early childhood education (Chapter 7) Diversity and Difference in Early Childhood Education: Issues for theory and practice. Maidenhead, Berkshire: Open University Press.
Robinson, K. & Jones Diaz, C. (2006). The lion, the witch and the ‘closet’: Dealing with sexual identity issues in early childhood education (Chapter 8). Diversity and Difference in Early Childhood Education: Issues for theory and practice. Maidenhead, Berkshire: Open University Press.
Serano, Julia (2007). Dismantling Cissexual Privilege. Ch. 5 in Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity. California: Seal Press.
Simon, R. (Producer), Baer, P. (Director), with Evis, S., Walkland, T., Lee-Hicks, B., Douglas, V., and teachers and youth in the Addressing Injustices Project (2017). Gender is like an ocean. (Documentary film). Toronto, ON.
Smith, E., Jones, T., Ward, R., Dixon, J., Mitchell, A., Hillier, L., (2014). From Blues to Rainbows: The mental health and wellbeing of gender diverse and transgender young people in Australia. ARCSHS, La Trobe University: Melbourne. ISBN 978-1-9219156-2-8.
Szalacha, L. A. (2003). Safer sexual diversity climates: Lessons learned from an evaluation of Massachusetts safe schools program for gay and lesbian students. American Journal of Education, 110(1), 58–88.
Taylor, B. (Co-Director), Parkin, W. (Co-Director), & Pendleton Jiménez, K. (Writer). (2008). Tomboy [Children’s animated short film]. Canada: Coyle Productions.
Taylor, C. & Peter, T., with McMinn, T.L., Elliott, T., Beldom, S., Ferry, A., Gross, Z., Paquin, S., and Schachter, K. (2011). Every Class in Every School: The First National Climate Survey on Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia in Canadian Schools. Final report. Toronto, ON: EGALE Canada Human Rights Trust. Accessed online August 30, 2013.
Tischler, A., & McCaughtry, N. (2011). PE is not for me: When boys’ masculinities are threatened. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82(1), 37–48.
The Toronto District School Board (2011). Guidelines for the Accommodation of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students and Staff. Toronto: TDSB.
The Toronto District School Board. (2000). Anti-homophobia, sexual orientation commitment (Section 3 of The Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation). Toronto: TDSB.
Venzant-Chambers, T. and McCready, L. T. (2011). “Making Space” for ourselves: African American student responses to their marginalization. Urban Education,
Walls, N. E., Kane, S. B., & Wisneski, H. (2010). Gay-straight alliances and school experiences of sexual minority youth. Youth & Society, 41(3), 307–332.
West-Burns, N. and Murray K. (Lead Writers) (2011). The Equity Continuum: Action for Critical Transformation in Schools and Classrooms. Toronto: The Centre for Urban Schooling, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
Worthen, M. G. F. (2014). The interactive impacts of high school gay-straight alliances (GSAs) on college student attitudes toward LGBT individuals: An investigation of high school characteristics. Journal of Homosexuality, 61(2), 217–250.
The York Catholic District School Board (2014). All God’s Children: Implementation Resource. York Region: YCDSB.
LGBTQ Activism
McCaskell, T. (2016). Queer Progress: From Homophobia to Homonormativity. Toronto. Between the Lines.
Tom Warner (2002). Never Going Back: A History of Queer Activism in Canada. University of Toronto Press.
LGBTQ Families and Parenting
Andrews, Arin. (2014). Some Assembly Required. New York: Simon Shuster.
Baer, Pamela and Baer, Michelle (2015) Queering motherhood. Guts Magazine, Issue 4, May 14, 2015.
Boluda, A. (Director/Producer) (2005). Queer Spawn. NY/Barcelona: Anna Boluda.
Bornstein, K. (2006). Hello Cruel World: 101 Alternatives to Suicide for Teens, Freaks and Other Outlaws. New York: Seven Stories Press.
Brill, Stephanie and Pepper, Rachel (2008). The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals. San Francisco: Cleis Press.
Collins, M, and Collins, D. (2017). At the broke places: A mother and trans son pick up the pieces. Boston: Beacon Hill.
Downing, Jordan B. (2013). Transgender-Parent Families. In: Goldberg, A. E., & Allen, K. R., (Eds.) LGBT-parent families: Innovations in research and implications for practice. New York: Springer.
Dufur, M., McKune, B. A., Hoffmann, J. P. and Bahr, S. J. (2007). Adolescent Outcomes in Single Parent, Heterosexual Couple, and Homosexual Couple Families: Findings from a National Survey. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, New York City. Accessed online on August 30, 2013.
Epstein, R. (Ed.) (2009). Who’s Your Daddy and Other Writings on Queer Parenting. Toronto: Sumach Press.
Epstein-Fine, Sadie and Zook, Makeda (2018). Spawning Generations: Rants and Reflections on Growing Up with LGBTQ + Parents. Demeter Press.
Goldberg, A. E., & Allen, K. R. (Eds.) (2013). LGBT-parent families: Innovations in research and implications for practice. New York: Springer.
Goldberg, S. (2009). And Baby Makes More: Known Donors, Queer Parents, and Our Unexpected Families. Insomniac Press.
Goldstein, T. (2012a). Ana’s Shadow. Canadian Theatre Review, 151:61-81.
Goldstein, T. (2012b) Harriet’s House: Mothering Other People’s Children. In: Springgay, Stephanie (Ed.), M/othering a bodied curriculum: Relational theories of teaching and learning. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Hart, Melissa (2009). Gringa: A Contradictory Childhood. New York: Seal Press.
Kergil, Skylar. (2017). Before I Had the Words: On Being a Transgender Young Adult. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.
Kuklin, Susan (2014). Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out. Candlewick Press.
McNeilly, K. (2012). Beyond the ‘bedrooms of the nation’: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of Canadian adolescents with lesbian, gay, or bisexual-identified parents. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Toronto. Accessed September 25, 2013.
Moore, Migon R. and Brainer, Amy (2013). Race and Ethnicity in the Lives of Sexual Minority Parents and Their Children. In: Goldberg, A. E., & Allen, K. R., (Eds.) LGBT-parent families: Innovations in research and implications for practice. New York: Springer.
Park, S. (2013). Mothering Queerly, Queering Motherhood: Resisting Monomaternalism in Adoptive, Lesbian, Blended, and Polygamous.... Albany: Suny Press.
Rigg, D. (2010). What about the Children!: Masculinities, Sexualities and Hegemony. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ryan-Floor, R. (2009). Lesbian Motherhood: Gender Families and Sexual Citizenship. London: Palgrave MacMillian.
Short, E, Riggs, D. W., Perlesz, A., Brown, R., Kane, G. (2007) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Parented Families: A Literature Review prepared for The Australian Psychological Society. Accessed online August 30, 2013.
Statistics Canada (2011). Analytical Document: Portrait of Families and Living Arrangements in Canada. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
The Vanier Institute of the Family. (2013). Same-sex families raising children. Fascinating Families 51. Ottawa, ON: The Vanier Institute of the Family. Accessed online August 30, 2013.
Waring, Alison. (2013). Confessions of a Fairy’s Daughter: Growing Up With a Gay Dad. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf.
LGBTQ Families and Schooling
Epstein, R., Idems, B. and Schwartz, A. (2013). Queer spawn on school. Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy & Politics 1(2): 173-208.
Goldstein, T. (2014). Learning from Other People’s Families. Teaching Education Journal, 25(1): 65-81.
Gustavson. M and Schmitt, I. (2011). Culturally queer, silenced in school? Children with LGBTQ parents and the everyday politics of/in community and school. Lambda Nordica 16(2-3):159-187.
Sexual Education Curriculum in Ontario
Ontario Ministry of Education (2015a). The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 1-8 Health and Physical Education. Available at:
Ontario Ministry of Education (2015b). The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 9-12 Health and Physical Education. Available at:
Ontario Ministry of Education (2014) Equity and Inclusive Education Guidelines.
People for Education. (2015). Tips for Parents: Sex Education in Ontario. Toronto: People for Education.
Sexual Education Curriculum in Ontario
Ontario Ministry of Education (2015a). The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 1-8 Health and Physical Education. Available at:
Ontario Ministry of Education (2015b). The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 9-12 Health and Physical Education. Available at:
Ontario Ministry of Education (2014) Equity and Inclusive Education Guidelines.
People for Education. (2015). Tips for Parents: Sex Education in Ontario. Toronto: People for Education.
Silverberg, C. and Smyth, Fiona (2015). Sex is a funny word. Triangle Square.
Teachers and Teacher Education
Clark, C. T. (2010). Preparing LGBTQ-allies and combating homophobia in a U.S. teacher education program. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(3), 704–713.
Graydon, M. (2011). “Kids not rights, is their craving”: Sex education, gay rights, and the threat of gay teachers. Canadian Review of Sociology, 48(3), 313–339.
Kearns Laura-Lee, Mitton-Kukner, Jennifer, Tompkins, Joanne (2014). LGBTQ awareness and allies: Building capacity in a Bachelor of Education program Canadian Journal of Education 37 (4): 1-26.
Martino, W. and Cumming-Potivin, W. (2015). Teaching about ‘‘Princess Boys’’ or Not: The Case of One Male Elementary School Teacher and the Polemics of Gender Expression and Embodiment. Men and Masculinities 18(1) 79-99.
Martino, M. and Cumming-Potvin, W. (2014): Teaching about sexual minorities and “princess boys”: a queer and trans-infused approach to investigating LGBTQ-themed texts in the elementary school classroom. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2014.940239
Martino, W., & Cumming-Potvin, W. (2011). They didn’t have “out there” gay parents - they just looked like normal “regular” parents: Investigating teachers’ approaches to addressing same-sex parenting and non-normative sexuality in the elementary school classroom. Curriculum Inquiry, 41(4), 480–501.
Russell, Vanessa. (2014). Coming out, rolling over and playing model: Possibilities beyond the trope of queer students “at-risk” Teaching Education, 25(2):142-55.
Russell, Vanessa. (2010). Queer teachers’ ethical dilemmas regarding queer youth. Teaching Education, 21(2), 142-156.
Smith, Jill (2012). Overcoming an identity of privilege to support LGBTQ inclusivity in school. Ch. 8 in Acting Out: Combatting Homophobia Through Teacher Activism. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.
Sykes, Heather. (2011). Love and loathing. Ch 5 in Queer Bodies: Sexualities, Genders and Fatness in Physical Education. Peter Lang.
We use the initialism LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer) with the intention of including people who identify as transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual, agender, gender queer, gender variant, and/or pangender. We understand the names people use to describe their gender and sexual identities are always evolving and that the most important thing is to be respectful and to use names that people prefer.
Gender, Sexualities and Indigenous Lifeways
Gender, Sexualities and Schooling
LGBTQ Activism
LGBTQ Families and Parenting
LGBTQ Families and Schooling
Sexual Education Curriculum in Ontario
Teachers and Teacher Education
Gender, Sexualities, and Indigenous Lifeways
Adler, Nathan (2016). Valediction at the Star View Motel. In Nicholson, Hope (ed.) (2016). Love beyond body, space and time. Beside Press.
Finley, Chris (Colville Confederated Tribes) (2011). Decolonizing the Queer Native Body (and Recovering the Native Bull-Dyke): Bringing ‘sexy back’ and out of Native Studies' closet. Queer Indigenous Studies: Critical Interventions in Theory Politics and Literature, 31-42. Tucson: U of Arizona.
Lugones, Maria (2007). Heterosexualism and the colonial / modern gender system. Hypatia 22(1): 186-209.
Macaby, Ma-Nee (2016). A Two-Spirit Journey. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.
Miranda, Deborah A. (Ohlone-Costanoan Esselen Nation, Chumash) (2010). Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 16(1-2): 253-84.
Nicholson, Hope (Ed.) (2016). Love Beyond Body, Space and Time. Beside Press.
Oceti Sakowin Two Spirits, LGBTQ+, and Supporters (2016). This Land Was Made for Decolonized Love. Indian Country Today, March 7, 2016:
Rifkin, M. (2011). When did Indians become straight? NY: Oxford University Press.
Stevens, James Thomas (Akwesasne Mohawk) (2010). Poetry & Sexuality: Running Twin Rails. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 16(1-2): 183-89.
Vowel, Chelsea (Métis) (2012). Language, culture, and Two-spirit identity. Âpihtawikosisan|Law Language Life: A Plains Cree speaking Métis Woman Living in Montreal, March 29, 2012.
Womack, Craig. (2001). Drowning in Fire. Phoenix: University of Arizona Press
Wesley, Saylesh (Stó:lõ, Tsimshian) (2014). Twin-Spirited Woman: Sts'iyoye Smestiyexw Slha:li. TSQ:Transgender Studies Quarterly 1(3): 338-51.
Wilson, Alexandria (Opaskwayak Cree Nation) (2015). Two-spirit people, body sovereignty, and gender self-determination. Red Rising Magazine, September 21, 2015.
Wilson, Shawn. (2008). Research is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
Gender, Sexualities, and Schooling
Airton, Lee. (2018). Gender Your Guide: What to Say, What to Know, What to do in the New Gender Culture. New York: Simon and Shuster.
Airton, Lee (2015).
Airton, Lee. (2013). Leave “Those Kids” Alone: On the Conflation of School Homophobia and Suffering Queers. Curriculum Inquiry, 43 (5):532-562.
Airton, Lee. (2009). From sexuality (gender) to gender (sexuality): The aims of anti-homophobia education. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning. 9(2):129-139.
Assembly Of Catholic Bishops Of Ontario (2010). A Statement From The Catholic Bishops On Policy Development Associated With Ontario’s Equity And Inclusive Education Strategy. Toronto, ON: Assembly of Catholic Bishops.
American Psychological Association. Lesbian and Gay Parenting. (2005). Accessed August 30, 2013.
Blackburn, M. & McCready, L. (2009). Voices of Queer Youth in Urban Schools: Possibilities and Limitations. Theory Into Practice, 48: 222-230.
Butler, Judith. (2004). Undoing Gender. New York: Routledge.
Callaghan, T. D. (2007). That’s so gay: Homophobia in Canadian Catholic schools. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
Chasnoff, D., & Cohen, H. (Producers) (1996). It's Elementary: Talking about Gay issues in School. San Franciso, CA: Women's Educational Media.
Coloroso, B. (2015). The Bully, the Bullied, and the Not-So-Innocent Bystander: From Preschool to High School and Beyond. New York: Harper Collins.
Davies, C. and Robinson, K. H. (2016) Working it out: An interactive resource for pre-service teachers, teachers and other professionals working with young people about homophobia and transphobia in schools. Melbourne: Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre.
Episcopal Commission for Doctrine (2011). Pastoral Ministry to Young People with Same-Sex Atttraction. Toronto, ON: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Faygold, Irena (Director). (2005). Heneini / Here I Am. Boston, MA: Keshet (
GLSEN Jump-Start Guide for Gay Straight Alliances. Part 3: Strategies for Training Teachers
GLSEN Jump-Start Guide for Gay-Straight Alliances: Part 5:Examining Power, Privilege & Oppression
GLSEN Jump-Start Guide for Gay-Straight Alliances: Part 7:Making your student club trans-inclusive:
Goldstein, T. (2-19). Teaching Gender and Sexuality at School: Letters to Teachers. New York: Taylor and Francis. With contributions by benjamin lee hicks, Jenny Salisbury and Pam Baer.
Goldstein, T. (2010). Snakes and Ladders: A Performed Ethnography. International Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 3(1): 68-113. Snakes and Ladders was written in 2004 and edited in 2010 for this publication.
Goldstein. T., *Koecher, A., *Baer, P., and *hicks, b.l. (2018 online). Transitioning in elementary school: Advocacy and allyship. Teaching Education Journal. .
Goldstein, T., Collins, A. and Halder, M. (2008). Anti-Homophobia Education in Public Schooling: A Canadian Case Study of Policy Implementation. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Services, 19(2):47-66.
Goldstein, T., Russell, V. and Daley, A. (2007). Safe, Positive and Queering Moments in Teaching Education and Schooling; A Conceptual Framework. Teaching Education Journal, 18(3): 183-199.
Goldstein, T. (2006). Towards a Future of Equitable Pedagogy and Schooling. Pedagogies: An International Journal 1 (3), 151-169.
Haimson, O.L., and Airton, L. (2018). Making space for them, her, him, and‘prefer not to disclose’ in group settings: Why pronoun-sharing is important but must remain optional. National Centre for Institutional Diversity, June 4, 2018.
Hernandez, Catherine (2017). Scarborough. Toronto: Arsenal Pulp Press.
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LGBTQ Families and Schooling
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Sexual Education Curriculum in Ontario
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Teachers and Teacher Education
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