activism, conversion therapy, Bill 77; trans, trans advocacy
Tara: Tell us about your trip to Queen’s Park! I saw your picture in the paper.
Stella: Um, it was pretty cool. We got interviewed and then our picture first came out on I believe it was Saturday or Sunday, I believe it was Saturday.
Tara: Saturday. And um, why did they want to interview you? Do you remember?
Stella: Mmmm no.
Tara: Was it because there weren’t too many kids at Queens Park, and you were one of the few kids there?
Stella: Yeah.
Tara: And do you remember what they asked you at Queens Park? What the reporter asked you? Do you remember the question?
Stella: Um, why are you here?
Tara: Why are you here. Do you remember what you said?
Stella: For the third reading of Bill-77. Yeah.
Tara: Right. And were they surprised that you knew so much about Bill-77?
Stella: Crazy. Yeah.
Tara: Crazy, yeah! Tell us about Bill-77. What do you think about Bill-77?
Stella: Um, it’s pretty good to ban conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is really bad.
Tara: Why is conversation therapy so bad?
Stella: It actually is when doctors want to like, know transgender is wrong. Yeah.
Tara: So if, so if there’s a bill that says no conversion therapy, doctors who think transgender is wrong can’t uh, hurt kids, right?
Stella: Yes. And after that day of the third reading of Bill-77, um, they banned conversion therapy all over Ontario. If a doctor used it, then the government wouldn’t pay for it.
Tara: Right, right. So you think that’s a good thing.
Stella: Yes.