advice, bullying, curriculum, homophobia, resources
Karleen: What advice hmm… I would say, I would give them the advice that by Grade 3 or 4 you are going to start hearing these comments. Like, that’s when the homophobic comments are going to start being unleashed, so know that that’s coming. Um.. uh.. making… go to all the parent-teacher meetings. [Laughs] I mean I think of that for a number of issues-
Tara: Yeah.
Karleen: But go to all the parent-teacher meetings. I think that it’s harder for people to hurt your kids if you’re right there being lovely to them, to the teachers. Or not just, not hurt your kids, but maybe have your kids be lost within the class. Um, you know ask the teachers if they included in the curriculum or in their course- “Oh do you have anything-“ like I know there’s pictures of lesbian couples with kids at that school.
Tara: Yeah.
Karleen: Good! Okay, good at least we’ve got those up, that’s great!
Tara: Yeah.
Karleen: Um, you know I would say make sure that those, really push for those books, and posters, and talks to be there. Um, uh you know, have as good of a rapport with the teachers as you can. Um, you know, uh, I would say, your kids are going to hear a lot of homophobic comments in their schools, and you should know that’s gonna happen and be ready to have those conversations, and not hope if they’re not saying anything that it’s not happening, ‘cause it is happening, you know? And so if they’re not talking about it, it’s probably because they’re trying to protect them.